Jenna Efford
Jenna Efford
Téléphone : (709) 683-7957
2 ans d’expérience
Niveau d’entraîneur :
Régional en formation
Expériences en tant qu’entraîneur et formations complémentaires :
Dawson College
Eccentrics/gym trainer
Experience in competitive dance
A déjà travaillé avec clientèle :
All ages / PP Plus and up
Accomplissement(s) en tant que patineur :
Style Libre : Or
Habiletés : Sr Argent (STAR 10)
Danses : Jr Argent (STAR 7)
Interprétation (Artistique) : Or
Canada games 2015
Newfoundland games
Provincial team member of team Newfoundland and Labrador
Pre-novice, novice and junior
Discipline(s) enseignée(s) :
Style Libre / Freestyle
Enseignement en équipe avec :
Marc-André Craig
Averly Carr
Plus others
Philosophie d’entraîneur :
With the right hard work ethic and organization anything is possible.
I believe working as a team in this individual sport is a must to setting and accomplishing short and long term goals .
It is important to create a comfortable and respectable atmosphere for each unique skater.
I want to share my knowledge and passion for figure skating to the next generation of skaters with a smile!
Autre(s) information(s) :
I moved to Montreal 6 years ago from Newfoundland and Labrador for skating.
I have travelled all over Canada and the States (Toronto, Edmonton, Colorado, Florida, Montreal) to experience skating in all different perspectives.
These experiences have given me so much knowledge as an athlete in competitive figure skating and also as a coach.